ProFruit Machinery™ is participating in the programme E. Commerce Model COVID-19 and received funding for creating and developing e-commerce project JSC ProFruit Machinery investments in e-commerce installation.
The goal of the EU project: implementation of information technology to manage business deals electronically and increase revenue growth.
The target result: e-commerce platform which allows clients to independently purchase equipment and spare parts which will also result in increased orders and sales.
The funding source: European Regional Development Fund. Funded as part of the Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Budget of the project: €51 200,00
Funding amount: €38 400,00
Project duration: 12 months
Company “ProFruit Machinery” produces fruit, berry and vegetable processing equipment, juice production machinery as well as Bag in Box filling machinery.
Currently the company does not have a functional and convenient customer e- shopping system. To increase the company’s competitiveness and revenue, it is planned to implement this e-commerce installation project, during which customers will be able to independently purchase the company’s equipment and spare parts. It is planned that the implementation of the e-commerce solution will enable us to serve more customers and thus increase sales through e-commerce.
Vår største fordel i forhold til andre produsenter er ikke kun erfaringen med å produsere utstyret, men også at vi har vært produsent av juice i flere år. I 10 år har vi selv jobbet med juicepresseutstyr og vi har underveis tilegnet oss erfaring og kunnskap om de utfordringer man kan møte på i hverdagen. Det er ikke bare utstyr du får når du handler hos oss. Vi deler gjerne av egne erfaringene og vi er opptatt av at man et maskinoppsett som passer perfekt for nettopp deg. Utstyret skal fungere effektivt og såklart helst uten stopp. Dersom det skulle oppstå noen utfordringer er vi opptatt av rask respons og være tilgjengelig for deg når det trengs.